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AdaptiveStructuralSymbols Namespace Reference

A namespace of adaptive structural symbols. More...


enum  Symbol {
  None = -1, EndOfBlock = 0, NewElement = 1, KnownElement = 2,
  EndElement = 3, Characters = 4, Comment = 1, PI = 2,
  CDATA = 3, NACK = 0, DifferentEdge = 0, XmlDecl = 2,
  Doctype = 3, Default = 5, EntityDecl = 6, NotationDecl = 7,
  StandaloneYes = 1, StandaloneNo = 2, StandaloneNotSpecified = 0, HasInternalSubsetYes = 1,
  HasInternalSubsetNo = 2, IsParameterEntityYes = 1, IsParameterEntityNo = 2, EmptyString = 8
 An enumeration of used structural symbols. More...

Detailed Description

A namespace of adaptive structural symbols.

The adaptive structural symbols are used by XmlAdaptiveModel to mark-up the XML structure in the compressed stream. Adaptive structural symbols occupy smaller range of values than simple structural symbols, because of the more intelligent behaviour of the adaptive model.

See also:

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum AdaptiveStructuralSymbols::Symbol

An enumeration of used structural symbols.

Enumeration values:
None  No symbol.
EndOfBlock  End of data block.
NewElement  Start of new (unknown) element.
KnownElement  Start of known element.
EndElement  End of element.
Comment  Comment data.
PI  Processing instruction.
CDATA  Start or end of CDATA section.
NACK  The violation of an assumption.
DifferentEdge  Different edge of the element model has to be chosen.
XmlDecl  XML declaration.
Doctype  Document type declaration.
Default  Default data.
EntityDecl  A declaration of the entity.
NotationDecl  A declaration of the notation.
StandaloneYes  The document is standalone.
StandaloneNo  The document is not standalone.
StandaloneNotSpecified  The "standalone" flag was not specified.
HasInternalSubsetYes  The DTD has an internal subset.
HasInternalSubsetNo  The DTD hasn't an internal subset.
IsParameterEntityYes  The entity is a parameter entity.
IsParameterEntityNo  The entity is not a parameter entity.
EmptyString  The empty string.

Definition at line 61 of file xmladaptivemodel.h.

Generated on Wed Feb 5 10:43:07 2003 for Exalt by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002